
Expand your professional skills, examine trends in the publishing industry, learn about new and more efficient technology for publishing enterprises, and discuss the current state of the Catholic market by viewing these webinars hosted by the ACP.

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Use resources on a variety of issues and collaborative relationship developed by the ACP like the following: Advocacy and Collaboration with the USCCB Subcommittee on the Catechism  |  An Invitation to Public Discourse  |  Homeschooling  |  Images  |  National Bible Week

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We Are #CatholicPubs

There is a whole world of Catholic content out there. Our ACP members play a special role in preparing and sharing it with you. We develop, edit, collect, and produce it in various media--books, audio, video, music--so that parents, leaders, and everyday Catholics in the pew can nurture their faith, express it within the Catholic community, and share it in words, actions, and deeds. We are on the "front lines" in supporting you and helping you to grow in the Gospel and in your relationship with God and community.

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