Explore past webinars sponsored by ACP and register for upcoming ones!
Boosting Book Sales Online: Effective eCommerce Strategies for Publishers
EAA, ADA, A11y, Oh My – What to Do about Creating Born Accessible Content
Mastering Royalties Post-Publication to Drive Great Author Relationships
Building a D2C Community Through Effective Direct and Social Media Marketing Including Influencer Marketing
Download the presentation in PDF format
Are Your Publishing Operations Secure? Strategies for Protecting Yourself, Your Employees and Your Authors
In this session, two veteran industry thought leaders, Ken Brooks and David Marlin, will discuss several of your options for securing your business from cyber-attacks, and when and if security certification may make sense.
Backlist Revival
Guidelines for Catholic Writing on Jews and Judaism
Members of the Catholic Biblical Association will discuss common errors made about Jews and Judaism in Catholic publications. The presenters will share resources that provide concrete guidance on how to avoid these errors.
- CBA Fact Sheets Introduction (PDF)
- CBA Fact Sheet on the Pharisees (PDF)
- CBA Fact Sheet on Lepers (PDF)
- CBA Fact Sheet on Jewish Responsibility for the Death of Jesus (PDF)
- CBA Fact Sheet on Women (PDF)
Outsourcing to a Third-Party Fulfillment Provider
The Four Elements of Publishing ROI: Tools and Services to Optimize the Publishing Process
Joshua Tallent of Firebrand Technologies, David Marlin of MetaComet, and Richard Williams of IPG delve deeply into the return on investment to be found in adopting powerful publishing tools and best practices.
How to Benefit from State-of-the-Art Product Life Cycle Management
In this live demo, see how to benefit from a workflow-driven approach and an interface putting the user at the center of everything.
Download PowerPoint presentation
The Great (and Ironic) Evangelizing Opportunity in Our Midst
Let us explore our call to transformational (not transactional) lifestyle and ministry and how we build a Catholic pastoral culture that leans radically into Paschal Mystery.
Accelerate Revenue Growth by Eliminating Data Silos
In this webinar, publishing technology expert, Sebastian Mayeres, will explore ways publishers can eliminate harmful data silos that block revenue-growth opportunities.
Responding to Suicide: A Conversation with Deacon Ed Showner
Speaker: Deacon Ed Showner
Building Your Direct to Consumer Channel
Speaker: Jason Spanos, knk Software
Warehousing and Fulfillment Webinar: Evaluating Your Fulfillment Practices
I’ll Take Acronyms for $1000, Alex:
Who’s Who in Permissions for Catholic Publishing
Coming Together: Two Reflections--"The Ghosts of Hate" and "The Reforming Power of the Gospel"
Letter to New Catholic from Deacon Art Miller
Coming Together: Talking with Kids and Teens about Racism
PowerPoint and Handouts
- Webinar PowerPoint (Includes web links)
- OSV Racism Resource -- Spanish
- OSV Racism Resource -- English
Surviving in a World that Says Information Just Wants to Be Free
This is a case study of how one publisher of books, a magazine and a journal for a professional association creates both membership and public value through its products.
Fulfillment and Inventory
This webinar discusses trends in fulfillment and inventory, including just-in-time print practices. Speakers: Dan Loomis, Director of Market Development, Omnipress; Rob Schmidt, Sales Representative, Royle Printing
Graphic Design Trends
This webinar will discuss trends in magazine graphic design.
Innovations in Print
This webinar will discuss the processes and technologies that publishers may not be aware of. These can range from specialized inks and paper for special issues to ways to economize and efficiencies. Speakers: Rob Scmidt, Dan Loomis
The Evolution of Work in Disruptive Times
Doing Truth Online: Reshaping the Tenor of Catholic Conversation on Social Media
We talk about best practices derived from the fields of negotiation and conflict science that can help us to influence the Catholic presence online in more healthy directions.
Building Community with Instagram
How do we effectively create community with Instagram--an image-focused platform rather than a text-based one?
Getting Your Staff Invested in the Financial Efficiency of Your Organization
What are the best practices for keeping employees “in the loop” and engaged in protecting your organization’s financial position.
Mobilizing Cell Phones in Evangelization
Learn how to use the ubiquitous cell phone as an effective tool for evangelization in the family, parish, school, and diocese.
Engaging Young People in the Church: Where Are the Key Points? (Part 2)
This topic will be addressed in two parts so that we can sufficiently cover both the underlying research and the pastoral implications of the most recent study of young people in the Church and where and how we can reach out to them. Leisa Anslinger will facilitate part two as we look at the implications of this research and try to address concretely what we can do.
Engaging Young People in the Church: Where Are the Key Points? (Part 1)
This topic will be addressed in two parts so that we can sufficiently cover both the underlying research and the pastoral implications of the most recent study of young people in the Church and where and how we can reach out to them. Part one starts with the data from the unprecedented report Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics, led by Bob McCarty, one of the principle authors. He will present an overview of the many and varied reasons for disaffiliation from the Church by those we commonly refer to as “nones.”
Using Facebook and Twitter Effectively: How to Monetize and Measure Its Effectiveness
The feeds of Facebook’s 234 million U.S. subscribers are constantly being viewed for updates and news. At the same time, Twitter’s 68 million U.S. followers practice the art of communicating in 280 characters. Most Catholic publishers have a presence in both of these media, but what are the benefits of all this activity? How do you measure what a “like” or a retweet means to your business? How do these media impact your sales? Or do they? In this session, we will examine how to use both media effectively, how to best measure the results, and how and where monetization makes sense.
Other webinars
Building Community with Instagram
Growing the Pie: An Exploration of the Revenue Models Available to Catholic Publishers
Best Practices for Managing a Publisher's Social Media Content and Presence
How Changing Demographics Could Transform Catholic Publishing