Why Join?
Simply put, because the more of us there are, the more we can improve the work and ministry of us all.
More specifically, association members told us that these are some of the reasons why they are members of ACP:
- Strong history of peer meetings, especially among the heads-of-house, finance officers, and marketing directors
- Professional and social programs sponsored by the Association at the Los Angeles Congress and at the Membership Meeting
- Number of opportunities for networking within Catholic publishing
- Diversity of the member publishers
- Financial viability of the organization
- Different membership categories bring diverse and important voices to the table
- Strong sense of collegiality
- Respect for the breadth and diversity of the Catholic tradition
- Have the ability and desire to advocate for the needs of all of the members in various settings
Member Categories and Benefits
The Association has voting and non-voting members in the following categories.
- Foundation Member
- Full Member
Voting Members
Dues: $3,000 to $5,000 per year
Foundation members may elect to contribute at a particular level or pay according to the following scale.
- Gross sales of $5 million+: $5,000
- Gross sales of $3-5 million: $4,000
- Gross sales up to $3 million: $3,000
Votes: Two votes plus one vote for every $1,000 up to seven total votes.
- Unlimited participation in any peer group meetings
- Unlimited participation in annual awards plus one free submission with every paid submission.
- Four (4) free monthly submissions in CatholicsRead, ACP's initiative on Catholic reading and content
- Provide input for marketing, editorial, production, design, IT, heads-of-house, and accounting peer meetings
- Member-wide, negotiated discounts from associate members and select service companies
- Participation in all professional skills seminars (free)
- Free banner ad on the ACP website
- Links to major announcements or press releases distributed through ACP website and in monthly eNewsletter
- Help in understanding licensing arrangements with the USCCB and their agencies
- Member discount from MetaComet® Systems on their royalty automation software: 20% off setup fees, plus 2 free months of service
Dues: $1,500 to $2,500 per year
- Gross sales of $5 million+: $2,500
- Gross sales of $3-5 million: $2,000
- Gross sales of $1-3 million: $1,500
- Gross sales of $500,000-$1 million: $1,000
- Gross sales of less than $500,000: $500
Votes: One vote for every $500 paid with a limit of five total votes
- Unlimited participation in any peer group meetings
- Unlimited participation in annual awards.
- One (1) free monthly submission to CatholicsRead, ACP's initiative on Catholic reading and content
- Provide input for marketing, editorial, production, design, IT, heads-of-house, and accounting employee meetings
- Member-wide, negotiated discounts from associate members and select service companies
- Participation in all professional skills seminars (free)
- Links to major announcements or press releases distributed through ACP website and in monthly eNewsletter
- Help in understanding licensing arrangements with the USCCB and their agencies
- Member discount from MetaComet® Systems on their royalty automation software: 20% off setup fees, plus 2 free months of service
Non-Voting Members
Definition: Those organizations that work with and support the Foundation and Full Members. They provide important services and need access in order to serve Foundation and Full Members well.
Must be actively engaged in vending their services to qualified publishers. Services provided by firms or individuals include art, design, recording, editing, distribution, or production services; composition; prepress; manufacturing; or other professional operations that relate to publishing.
Dues: Up to $1,500 per year
- Gross sales of $1+ million—$1,500
- Gross sales of less than $1 million—$500
- Lead webinar in area of expertise annually
- Participate in all professional skills sessions (free)
- Links to major announcements or press releases distributed through ACP website and in biweekly eNewsletter
- Be eligible for discounted member rates for exhibit space and advertising at annual meeting.
- Be the ACP’s preferred provider for member presentations on industry issues.
- Access to ACP member mailing list two times each calendar year (free)
- Access to the full membership directory
- Listing in the membership directory including a brief description of services or products
- Participation in organizational conversations about the publishing industry
- Access to members at annual conference
Definition: An individual member is a non-corporate entity who wishes to attend ACP seminars and functions, has a past and/or present relationship with ACP members, and wishes to continue to dialogue about the future of Catholic publishing.
Dues: $100 per year
- Participate in all professional skills sessions (free)
- Participate in appropriate peer group meetings
- Listing in the membership directory including brief description of their services and products
- Online access to the full membership directory
- Receive regular eNewsletters
Definition: Content creators are those who identify and develop the content that goes into any published work, i.e., book, song, image. Content creators would include authors, composers, bloggers, illustrators, artists, and designers among others.
Dues: $100 per year
- Develop contacts within the Catholic publishing field and industry
- Create access to job and career opportunities within the Catholic publishing field and industry
- Be part of a pool that ACP publisher members can readily draw on to meet their content needs
- Participate in all professional skills sessions (free)
- Participate in appropriate peer group meetings
- Listing in the membership directory including brief description of their services and products
- Online access to the full membership directory
- Receive regular eNewsletters
Definition: Those actively and currently enrolled in a plan of study that may or may not end in a degree for a recognized institution of higher education, e.g., university, community college.
Dues: $10 per year (contact us if you are a person of color and you require a scholarship to become a student member)
- Access to potential publishers especially for graduate students
- Opportunities to demonstrate potential as content creators to Catholic publishers
- Create access to job and career opportunities within the Catholic publishing field and industry
- Learn about how to become a part of the field and industry
- Opportunities for professional and career mentoring
- Internship opportunities in the Catholic publishing field