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Exhibit Booth--ACP Membership Meeting

3 Items Remaining

The exhibits are located in the pre-function space outside the ballroom that will be used for meals, the large-group sessions and One-on-One Meetings.

  • Booth spaces will be 6’ wide with enough space for a tabletop exhibit or something comparable.
  • Your booth fee includes a table and chair, if requested.
  • There is carpet in the hall. 
  • Each booth is entitled to 2 complimentary registrations. Additional exhibit representatives are $25 per person.
  • Booths will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Exhibit Drayage
There is no designated drayage company for this meeting. Materials may be sent directly to the Holiday Inn O’Hare. More information on this will follow once booths are assigned.

Exhibit Cancellation Policy
Cancellation refund requests must be made in writing. Send your written request to: Attn: Exhibit Cancellation, 4725 Dorsey Hall Drive, Suite A, PMB #709, Ellicott City, MD 21042.

For written cancellations postmarked before or by May 3, 2022, a refund of 50% of the exhibit registration fee will be given. For notifications postmarked after May 3, 2022, no refund will be given.

Non-Member Price: $550
Member Price: $300

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